Letters to Washington

Letter to Senate Energy & Natural Resources Committee on S. 1466

On behalf of the over 400 members of the National Stone, Sand & Gravel Association (NSSGA), I am writing to express our opposition to S. 1466, a bill that would adjust the boundary of the Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area to include the Rim of the Valley Corridor. NSSGA represents aggregates producers and those who manufacture equipment and services that support the construction industry. As drafted, this legislation could severely impede future aggregate production in California, limiting critical building materials in Los Angeles County and the surrounding region.

Coalition Letter to House T&I Committee on FMCSA's Proposed Speed Limiter Mandate

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) is working to implement a speed limiter mandate that would restrict all heavy-duty commercial motor vehicles (CMVs) to a single top speed across the country, as low as 60 miles per hour. This mandate will be bad for road safety, crash rates, driver retention, and supply chain performance. As the Subcommittee on Highways & Transit convenes a hearing this week to examine policies that will help overcome supply chain challenges, we urge you to prevent FMCSA from moving forward with this controversial mandate.

Letter to Senate EPW and ENR Committees Supporting RESTART Act and SPUR Act

On behalf of the 450 members of the National Sand, Stone & Gravel Association (NSSGA), we write to share our deepest support for both the Revitalizing the Economy by Simplifying Timelines and Assuring Regulatory Transparency Act (RESTART Act) and the Spur Permitting of Underdeveloped Resources (SPUR) Act. These two pieces of critical legislation are key in helping our country’s aggregate producers address unnecessary permitting hurdles, ending the confusion of WOTUS and providing regulatory certainty to many critical issue areas.

Letter to Transportation & Infrastructure Committee Leadership Supporting FAA Airfield Pavement Technology Research

On behalf of the 450 members of the National Stone, Sand & Gravel Association (NSSGA), we are writing to urge the committee to continue a vital program at the Federal Aviation Administration that provides critical research for airfield pavement technology. Included in the 2018 FAA reauthorization, Section 744 promotes industry-led research of pavement materials, training programs, demonstration projects, and furthers technology advancements.

Comments to EPA on RFI Regarding IRA Programs to Lower Embodied Greenhouse Gas Emissions with Construction Materials and Product

On behalf of the 400 members of the National Stone, Sand and Gravel Association, we appreciate the opportunity to provide feedback and response to the EPA’s RFI to support new IRA programs to lower embodied greenhouse gas emissions with construction materials and products. NSSGA is the leading voice and advocate for the aggregates industry and the businesses that supply them, with member companies representing more than 90 percent of the crushed stone and 70 percent of the sand and gravel consumed annually in the United States.

Letter to STB on Freight Rail Service

On behalf of the members of the National Stone, Sand & Gravel Association (NSSGA), I am writing to again thank the Surface Transportation Board (STB) for meeting with us on January 24th and to update the STB on issues that we have confronted with freight rail service in early 2023. As a reminder, the  NSSGA membership comprises of stone, sand, and gravel manufacturers and the equipment makers and service providers who facilitate their operations. Our member firms contribute to over 90% of the crushed stone and 70% of the sand and gravel used yearly in the United States.

Coalition Comments to NEPA Director, CEQ on Interim Greenhouse Gas Guidance

The undersigned associations (collectively, the “Coalition”) offer the following comments in response to the Council on Environmental Quality’s (CEQ’s) Interim National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Guidance on Consideration of Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Climate Change (“Interim Guidance”). Our organizations represent a diverse set of economic sectors that form the backbone of the American economy—agriculture, energy, construction, mining, forestry, manufacturing, transportation, and other sectors.

Letter to Senators Kelly, Lummis and Reps. Bost, Craig Supporting Truck Parking Safety Improvement Act

On behalf of the 400 members of the National Stone, Sand & Gravel Association (NSSGA), I am writing to urge your support for the Truck Parking Safety Improvement Act. This legislation will deliver more effective and safe means of commercial trucking, which is essential to our industry as we maintain our country's vast infrastructure.   NSSGA members consist of stone, sand and gravel producers; industrial sand suppliers; and the equipment manufacturers and service providers who support them.

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