Committees & Councils


  • Communications Committee: A group of NSSGA members who are either communicators or are interested in the messaging and communications of the association. The Committee serves as a sounding board for the volume and substance of the content contained within our member communications. Members offer guidance and counsel on what the association’s messaging can be, when needed. The Committee is the body which is responsible for judging of the Community Relations Awards to ensure the awards recognize those efforts that best tell our story to reinforce our advocacy goals.


  • Engineering and Technical Committee: Promotes the industry’s interest on aggregate specifications through involvement with related industry technical committees and federal agencies. In addition, the Committee will administer the Association’s current and future aggregate research; monitor external research; and serve as an advocate in Washington D.C. to present a unified voice regarding trending technical issues important to our membership.


  • Government & Regulatory Affairs Committee: Provides leadership in the development and implementation of NSSGA’s government relations program. The Committee identifies, monitors and evaluates key federal policies impacting member companies and helps formulate and implement association policy as determined by the Board of Directors.  The Committee develops lobbying strategies to win acceptance of NSSGA positions; provides specific industry involvement and assistance with statements and testimony presented before congressional committees and federal regulatory bodies; and provides support in conjunction with the association’s political action committee (ROCKPAC) for candidates who advocate positions consistent with NSSGA’s established policy.
    • Environmental Subcommittee: Members interested in a wide range of environmental issues, including air and water permit issues, endangered species, biodiversity and sustainability, community relations and litigation. The Committee receives updates by experts on these issues and discusses strategies for compliance and federal policy.  
    • Health & Safety Subcommittee: The Committee focuses on issues regulated by the Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA), along with current health and safety concerns and/or challenges operators are experiencing in the field. The Committee provides resources for members, including data and materials that can be used during safety meetings, and occasional trainings.


  • Legal Affairs Committee: Made up of counsel from our producer members and representatives from legal firms in the industry, the Committee approves litigation the association takes part in and directs association activities that follow. The Committee also hosts a Legal Symposium that delivers valuable information to our members, such as updates on key legal issues affecting the industry or aspects of those key issues confronting our producer members. Continuing educational credits are also available for the symposium.


  • Meetings & Events Committee: Identifies, develops, implements and evaluates educational programs, keynote speakers, training opportunities, and resources that focus on issues faced by the aggregates industry in order to inform and educate members. These activities include the AGG1 Academy education program, distance learning programs, in-person workshops and seminars, student chapters and student activities, webinars, magazine articles, white papers, and videos.


  • Membership Committee: Plans and executes membership retention and growth campaigns; develops association procedures and policies relating to membership promotion; and provides oversight and guidance on association partnership programs.
    • Small Producers Subcommittee: Provides a forum for small aggregate and industrial sand producers to exchange ideas and information. The Subcommittee also ensures that policies, positions and services of the association include the vital input of smaller companies.


  • ROCKPAC Board of Trustees:  ROCKPAC is the only political action committee solely dedicated to advancing the aggregate industry’s priorities with federal candidates. It is registered with the Federal Election Commission and allows industry executives and employees of NSSGA to pool personal, voluntary financial contributions. These contributions are used to support candidates regardless of party affiliation, who are pro-business, pro-transportation and who understand the interests and concerns of the aggregates industry. ROCKPAC Trustees identify industry champions who should be supported through ROCKPAC donations.


  • Young Leaders Program: Provides a forum for young industry members age 40 and younger to network, exchange ideas, discuss subjects of mutual interest and seek ways to promote the benefits of long-term growth of the industry through education, research and legislative activities.


  • State Association Executives Council: A forum for managers of state aggregates organizations and NSSGA staff to discuss and strategize on issues of interest including regulatory and legislative issues, such as infrastructure funding.


  • Steering Committee: With the guidance of Special Counsel, provides oversight and general direction for the association’s activities related to mineral health issues, particularly associated with respirable crystalline silica and elongated mineral particles.
    • Legal & Policy Group: Under the general direction of the Steering Committee and Counsel, the group sponsors and/or conducts scientific, legal, and policy related research and other activities, and provides recommendations to the Steering Committee. The group also provides oversight and general direction for the Technical Advisory Committee.


  • Technical Advisory Committee: Under the general direction of the LPG and Counsel, provides focused research and other activities on specific issues and/or questions, and provides recommendations to the LPG and Steering Committee.