Letters to Washington
| May 17, 2024

Coalition Letter to OMB on Methods and Leading Practices for Advancing Public Participation and Community Engagement With the Federal Government

The undersigned trade associations appreciate the opportunity to comment on the Office of Management and Budget’s (OMB) request for information regarding methods and practices for advancing public participation and community engagement (PPCE). We believe it is essential that all individuals have a fair and equal opportunity to petition their government and have their views and interests represented within the federal policy and rulemaking process. Our associations strongly support the free exchange of information and ideas among all stakeholders. Our members, who are directly subject to the implementation and enforcement of regulatory policies, understand firsthand the impacts of federal regulations. Additionally, these businesses often have deep ties to the communities in which they operate. Consequently, we and our members are committed to ensuring that agencies engage effectively with relevant members of the public. Such engagement promotes transparency and collaboration, thereby strengthening the rulemaking process and leading to more effective regulations.