Coalition Letter to U.S. Senate on the Labor Policy Legislative Framework Released by Sen. Josh Hawley (MO)
The Coalition for a Democratic Workplace (CDW) and the 42 undersigned organizations write to raise significant concerns with the labor policy legislative framework released by Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) on January 10. While Senator Hawley has not released any specific legislative language, the provisions described in the framework mirror provisions contained in two flawed bills – the Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act (S. 567, 118th Congress), introduced by Senator Bernie Sanders (D-VT), and the Warehouse Worker Protection Act (S. 5208, 118th Congress), introduced by Senators Edward Markey (D-MA), Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), and Sanders. Congress has repeatedly rejected the PRO Act on a bipartisan basis because of the threats it poses to workers and our economy. If Senator Hawley decides to introduce legislation based on his framework, we urge you not to support it and reject the policies contained therein.