Letters to Washington
| May 17, 2024

CWS Letter to the House on OSHA's “Worker Walkaround Representative Designation Process" Rule

The Coalition for Workplace Safety (CWS) and the 58 undersigned organizations urge your support for Representative Mary Miller’s Congressional Review Act (CRA) resolution to nullify the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA) Final Rule, “Worker Walkaround Representative Designation Process,” published in the Federal Register on April 1, 2024, which would allow third parties looking to harm employers to accompany OSHA safety and health officers during facility inspections. The resolution would nullify this inappropriate rulemaking and prevent the agency from issuing a substantially similar rule in the future. Passing the resolution is critical to safeguarding OSHA’s mission of providing safe and healthy workplaces across the country, preventing OSHA officers from being put in the middle of labor disputes between employers and unions, defending employers’ property rights, and defending workers’ right to choose representation through the appropriate process.