
Letter in Support of the RETAIN Act

The undersigned companies and organizations strongly endorse the Recognizing and Ensuring Taxpayer Access to Infrastructure Necessary for GPS and Satellite Communications Act or the “RETAIN GPS and Satellite Communications Act” introduced today. This legislation would ensure that the costs incurred by the public sector, businesses and consumers as a result of the FCC’s decision to permit Ligado Networks LLC to use spectrum in a way that would cause interference to GPS and satellite communications would be covered by Ligado—the licensee benefiting from the decision.

NSSGA Voices Concerns Over Proposed Tax Changes for Family Businesses

The undersigned trade associations represent millions of individually- and family-owned businesses operating in every sector of the American economy. We write to voice our strong opposition to any reductions or repeal of the 20-percent deduction for qualified business income under Section 199A, including phasing out the deduction above certain income thresholds. Section 199A is an essential part of the Tax Code.

Coalition Supports Continuation of Stepped-up Basis

We, the undersigned members of the Family Business Estate Tax Coalition (FBETC), write to state our unequivocal support for the continuation of stepped-up basis and to highlight the attached study from EY illustrating the economic damage that step-up repeal via tax at death would inflict.

NSSGA Letter to Senate EPW Committee on Long-term Solvency of Highway Trust Fund

On behalf of the National Stone, Sand & Gravel Association (NSSGA) and the aggregates industry we represent, we welcome today’s hearing titled Long-term Solvency of the Highway Trust Fund: Lessons Learned from the Surface Transportation System Funding Alternatives Program and Other User-based Revenue Solutions, and How Funding Uncertainty Affects the Highway Programs. As you well know, the Highway Trust Fund (HTF) is dependent on outdated and insufficient user fees, and absent proactive solutions and new revenue models, the HTF will be financially insolvent in the very near future.

Coalition Urges Senate Finance Committee to Reject Imposing Retroactive Tax Hike on Businesses

A recent letter signed by dozens of U.S. Senators and Representatives called on Congress to retroactively repeal last year’s Net Operating Loss (NOL) relief enacted in the CARES Act. This ill-advised effort would result in a massive, retroactive tax hike on thousands of businesses who, by definition, have suffered losses in recent years and need help during the pandemic. It should be rejected by the both the House and the Senate.

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