Transportation Infrastructure

Coalition Letter from the Transportation Construction Coalition (TCC) in Support of the IIJA bill

The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) provides a generational opportunity to invest in the nation’s highway, bridge, public transit, airport and other infrastructure programs. Transportation improvements connect people and communities, while yielding short and long-term improvements across the economy. The 33 national associations and labor unions that make up the Transportation Construction Coalition (TCC) urge all members to vote YES on final passage of the IIJA in the House.

Coalition Letter to Support IIJA to the House

The Senate-passed bipartisan infrastructure bill—the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA)—represents a historic opportunity to provide substantial economic and quality of life enhancements to communities across the country and to build for the future. The investments made in the package would facilitate long overdue repairs and improvements to our roads, bridges, rail, and public transportation, and other critical infrastructure, such as airports, ports, broadband, energy, and water systems. The undersigned organizations encourage all members of the U.S.

HMG Urges House Passage of IIJA

The Highway Materials Group (HMG) thanks you for your leadership and urges immediate passage of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) – H.R. 3684 – before the current one-year extension of the FAST Act expires on September 30th. We are appreciative of the robust levels IIJA provides our surface transportation network and the countless improvements it will provide our dilapidated infrastructure network.

NSSGA Urges House Passage of IIJA

On behalf of the 400 members of the National Stone, Sand and Gravel Association (NSSGA) I am writing to share our strong support for H.R. 3684, the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), recently passed by the Senate with bipartisan support and urge its passage through the House as quickly as possible. IIJA is a historic, robust bipartisan infrastructure bill that will significantly enhance our crumbling infrastructure network, improve our national economy and global competitiveness, and provide hundreds of thousands of good-paying jobs throughout the country.

NSSGA Leads Industry Support of IIJA through the Highway Materials Group

The Highway Materials Group (HMG) thanks you for your leadership and urges immediate passage of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA). We are appreciative of the robust levels IIJA provides our surface transportation network and the countless improvements it will provide our dilapidated infrastructure network. We welcome the funding levels provided by IIJA, including $109 billion in new spending on our surface transportation network, $16 billion for ports and waterway improvements, $55 billion for water infrastructure and other critical infrastructure improvements.

Supporting the Cornyn Amendment in the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act

The American Rescue Plan (ARP) provided states and localities with $350 billion in relief funds and $10 billion in capital improvement assistance at a time of critical need.  The COVID-19 pandemic ripped a gaping hole in the budgets of many local governments, making this assistance crucial for many workers and businesses across the nation. However, the funds lack clear guidance to states and localities on their applicability.

Letter of Support for the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act

On behalf of the 400 members of the National Stone, Sand & Gravel Association (NSSGA), I am writing to share our strong support for H.R. 3684, the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) and urge the Senate to pass IIJA as quickly as possible. Your leadership and continued support of the G-22 has yielded a historic, robust bipartisan infrastructure bill that will significantly enhance our crumbling infrastructure network, improve our national economy and global competitiveness, and provide hundreds of thousands of good-paying jobs throughout the country.

NSSGA Welcomes Bipartisan Infrastructure Legislation

ALEXANDRIA, VA- The National Stone, Sand & Gravel Association (NSSGA) President and CEO Michael Johnson issued the following statement regarding the advancement of the bipartisan infrastructure legislation in the Senate.


Letter on FY 22 Appropriations Bills

On behalf of the 400 members of the National Stone, Sand & Gravel Association (NSSGA), I am writing to share our views on the Fiscal Year (FY) 2022 Appropriations bills being considered by the House of Representatives. NSSGA appreciates the work of the Committee and all members of the House to responsibly fund the government and address our pressing infrastructure needs before September 30.  

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