Regulatory Affairs

Comments to EPA Regarding the Proposal for Revisions to Air Emissions Reporting Requirements

The National Stone, Sand & Gravel Association (NSSGA) respectfully submits these comments regarding the proposal for Revisions to Air Emissions Reporting Requirements (AERR). NSSGA is also a part of the AERR coalition and incorporates those comments by reference. NSSGA urges the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to reconsider this proposal. It will create great hardship for non-major sources under the Clean Air Act (CAA) like aggregates and not provide accurate data for the National Emissions Inventory (NEI).

Coalition for Workplace Safety Comments to DOL on OSHA's Proposed Rulemaking Regarding the Worker Walkaround Representative Designation Process

These comments are submitted on behalf of the Coalition for Workplace Safety (“CWS”) and the 74 undersigned organizations (“the Commenters”), pursuant to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s Notice of Proposed Rulemaking regarding the Worker Walkaround Representative Designation Process under the OSH Act, 88 Fed. Reg. 59825 (Aug. 30, 2023) (“Proposed Rule”). For the reasons outlined below, the Commenters urge OSHA to withdraw the proposed rule entirely.

Letter to DOL Regarding Proposal to Raise Salary Threshold for Executive, Administrative, Professional, Outside Sales, and Computer Employees Exemptions from Overtime Requirements

The National Stone, Stand & Gravel Association (NSSGA) submits these comments on the Department of Labor’s (DOL or the Department) proposal to raise the salary threshold for the executive, administrative, professional, outside sales, and computer employee exemptions from the overtime requirements of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). NSSGA represents the aggregates and industrial sand industry, with over 9,000 facilities and more than 100,000 employees in high-paying jobs. As a signatory, NSSGA strongly supports the comments filed by the Partnership to Protect Workplace Opportunity (P

Industry Letter to White House on Maintaining Existing National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5)

The undersigned associations urge you to ensure the Environmental Protection Agency maintains existing National Ambient Air Quality Standards for fine particulate matter (PM2.5). A proposed discretionary revision to this standard, which is under review by the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, could put nearly 40% of the U.S. population in areas of nonattainment. Doing so would risk jobs and livelihoods by making it even more difficult to obtain permits for new factories, facilities and infrastructure to power economic growth.

Comments to Financial Accounting Standards Board on Proposed Accounting Standards Update

The National Stone, Sand and Gravel Association (NSSGA) would like to take this opportunity to provide comments in response to the Financial Accounting Standards Board’s (FASB) Exposure Draft, Proposed Accounting Standards Update: Income Statement – Reporting Comprehensive Income-Expense Disaggregation Disclosures (Subtopic 220-40) – Disaggregation of Income Statement Expenses. NSSGA members consist of stone, sand and gravel producers; industrial sand suppliers; and the equipment manufacturers and service providers who support them. 

NSSGA Member Highlights Small Business Regulatory Challenges

ALEXANDRIA, VA – Ric Suzio, vice president of Suzio York Hill Companies, testified this morning in a House Small Business Committee hearing on the Department of Labor’s burdensome regulations. Representing the National Stone, Sand & Gravel Association (NSSGA), he shared concerns about the effects of new regulatory rules on his family’s small business.

Coalition Letter to House Armed Services Committee on Excluding Section 2815 of the Senate-passed NDAA

On behalf of the members of the National Stone, Sand & Gravel Association (NSSGA) and the National Ready Mixed Concrete Association (NRMCA), we strongly urge you to exclude Section 2815 of the Senate-passed NDAA from the conference report for FY24 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). This provision makes a controversial modification to an existing, ongoing pilot at DoD and does not have a similar provision in the House passed bill. Sec. 2815 of the Senate FY24 NDAA (S. 2226, pp. 1375-1376) amends a pilot program that was included in the FY22 NDAA (PL 117-81, Sec.

NSSGA Comments to CEQ on NEPA's Proposed Rule

The National Stone, Sand and Gravel Association (NSSGA) would like to take this opportunity to provide comment in response to the Council of Environmental Quality’s (CEQ) National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Implementing Regulations Revisions Phase 2 proposed rule (“Proposed Rule”).

Coalition Comments to CEQ on NEPA's Proposed Rule

The undersigned associations (collectively, the “Coalition”) offer the following comments in response to the Council on Environmental Quality’s (“CEQ’s”) proposed National Environmental Policy Act (“NEPA”) Implementing Regulations Revisions Phase 2 (“Proposed Rule”). Our organizations represent a diverse set of economic sectors that form the backbone of the American economy – agriculture, energy, construction, mining, forestry, manufacturing, transportation, and other sectors.

Comments to OMB RE: Request for Comments on Proposed Guidance for Assessing Changes in Environmental and Ecosystem Services in Benefit-Cost Analysis

The National Stone, Sand and Gravel Association (NSSGA) would like to take this opportunity to provide comments in response to the Office of Management and Budget’s (“OMB”) Aug. 2, 2023, “Assessing Changes in Environmental and Ecosystem Services in Benefit-Cost Analysis” (Draft Guidance). Our industry is heavily regulated from federal, state, and local entities. These regulations are ever changing, and many times are contradictory, causing significant delay and expense for approving projects.

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