Supply Chain

NSSGA Statement on Committee Passage of Supply Chain Legislation

Urge Swift Vote by the House

Alexandria, VA – Today, National Stone, Sand & Gravel Association (NSSGA) Vice President, Government & Regulatory Affairs Michele Stanley issued the following statement, praising the House Transportation & Infrastructure Committee passage of supply chain legislation. 


Letter to House T&I Committee Ahead of Supply Chain Markup

On behalf of the 450 members of the National Stone, Sand, & Gravel Association (NSSGA), I am writing to thank the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee for holding today’s markup on proposals that will improve our supply chain. Over the last two years, Congress has adopted the largest infrastructure investment in our nation’s history, a revitalization of our domestic manufacturing base and a reshaping of our energy future.

Letter to House T&I Committee Ahead of “The State of Transportation Infrastructure and Supply Chain Challenges" Hearing

On behalf of the 400 members of the National Stone, Sand & Gravel Association (NSSGA), I am writing to share the aggregates industry’s views, as the Committee holds its first hearing of the 118th Congress, entitled: “The State of Transportation Infrastructure and Supply Chain Challenges.” NSSGA is the voice of our nation’s aggregates industry, which operates over 9,000 operations and employs over 100,000 people in high-paying jobs to source 2.6 billion tons of aggregates each year that are used to sustain our modern way of life and build our nation’s communities and infrastructure.

NSSGA Thanks House T&I for Important First Hearing

ALEXANDRIA, VA –The National Stone, Sand & Gravel Association Vice President of Government and Regulatory Affairs Michele Stanley issued the following statement, as the House T&I Committee will hold its first hearing of the new Congress focusing on our nation’s transportation infrastructure challenges and the supply chain. NSSGA also submitted a letter in support ahead of the hearing.


Letter to Department of Transportation on Supply Chain Issue and Solutions

The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) provides you with a unique opportunity to directly confront the supply-chain challenges that are adversely impacting the U.S. economy and the daily lives of all Americans. We urge you to dedicate as much as allowable by law in discretionary grants for FY 2022 to support projects that will facilitate and ease the movement of goods. Over the past two years, the supply chain has endured extreme slowdowns due to pandemic-related pressures.

Coalition Letter to Secretary Yellen on Supply Chain Issues

We, the undersigned associations, represent both public and private sector organizations that produce and use the materials, products, and equipment necessary to build America’s infrastructure and employ millions of hard-working Americans in well-paying jobs.

Open Letter to President Biden Regarding 5 Immediate Supply Chain Solutions

We, the undersigned coalition of associations, representing agriculture, foodservice, trucking, warehousing, manufacturing, retail, construction, energy, and other key supply chain stakeholders, call on the Biden Administration to work with our industries to address the immense challenges impacting our nation’s supply chain. While we represent different industries, we share the common burden of current supply chain disruptions, which are driving up prices and leading to a growing shortage of goods in the United States, with the holidays just around the corner.

Construction Supply Chain Concerns Regarding Buy America Expansions

To be clear, our member companies support Buy America policies that ensure American manufacturing is protected and undue influence from foreign adversaries is not reaping the benefits of taxpayer investments; however, since Buy America’s enactment, Congress, and every administration, Republican and Democrat, have long understood that certain construction materials and their inputs should not be included under Buy America’s regulatory framework, and we reiterate this long-standing position.

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