
NSSGA Shares Concerns with OSHA on Emergency Temporary Standard

We do not believe an ETS is either necessary or practical at this time, particularly for the aggregates industry, which already has strong tailored programs in place. If OSHA does determine an ETS should be issued, then the ETS should focus on industries that have demonstrated heightened risk, prioritize flexibility, and allow for a stakeholder comment period before it is issued.

NSSGA Supports Surface Transportation Reauthorization in Senate EPW Hearing

Echoing the hearing’s title, NSSGA loudly supports “Building Back Better” via a surface transportation reauthorization bill that will address the over $800 billion backlog of vital public works projects, which must be addressed in order to provide the motoring public safe and efficient roads, bridges and highways. Our national economy is already handicapped due the COVID-19 pandemic and investing in our crumbling infrastructure network will improve our local and national economy.

NSSGA Welcomes House Water and Environment Subcommittee's Hearing to Discuss Infrastructure

On behalf of the National Stone, Sand & Gravel Association (NSSGA) and the aggregate industry we represent, we welcome today’s hearing titled Building Back Better: The Urgent Need for Investment in America’s Wastewater Infrastructure. NSSGA supports efforts to improve and invest in all levels of our nation’s infrastructure network, including water and wastewater infrastructure, and appreciate the subcommittee’s work achieving this goal.

NSSGA Letter of Concern with Provisions of H.R. 803 - Protecting America's Wilderness and Public Lands Act

On behalf of the 400 members of the National Stone, Sand & Gravel Association (NSSGA), I am writing to express our concern with certain provisions included in H.R. 803, the ‘‘Protecting America’s Wilderness and Public Lands Act’’. Our members take extraordinary strides to responsibly produce construction materials and we oppose legislation that arbitrarily and permanently prohibit the development of aggregates operations on millions of acres of federal lands.

Coalition Urges Senate Finance Committee to Reject Imposing Retroactive Tax Hike on Businesses

A recent letter signed by dozens of U.S. Senators and Representatives called on Congress to retroactively repeal last year’s Net Operating Loss (NOL) relief enacted in the CARES Act. This ill-advised effort would result in a massive, retroactive tax hike on thousands of businesses who, by definition, have suffered losses in recent years and need help during the pandemic. It should be rejected by the both the House and the Senate.

NSSGA, Jobs and Careers Coalition to Express Concerns About National Apprenticeship Act

NSSGA, as part of the Opportunity America Jobs and Careers Coalition, sent a letter to express support for apprenticeship but also concern about the draft of the National Apprenticeship Act that is currently moving through the House. Specifically, the group shared concerns about the scope of training the legislation authorizes and what it sees as onerous reporting requirements, among other issues.


NSSGA Welcomes the Confirmation Hearing For Mayor Buttigieg as Next Secretary of the Department of Transportation

NSSGA welcomes the Commerce Committee’s confirmation hearing for Mayor Pete Buttigieg as the next Secretary of the Department of Transportation (DOT). The association states it is reassuring that a pivotal cabinet position as significant as this one is given the consideration and urgency to move through Congress and help the Biden Administration begin the task of leading our Nation’s infrastructure and transportation policies.



NSSGA Opposes Implementing a Broad Emergency Temporary Standard

On behalf of the 400 members of the National Stone, Sand and Gravel Association I would like to take this opportunity to reaffirm our commitment to continue working with you and your colleagues across the Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) to promote miner safety.

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