Letters to Washington
| October 18, 2021

Letter to Oppose S. 180, the “Buffalo Tract Protection Act”

S. 180 would set bad policy by permanently banning aggregate production on tracts of federal land in central New Mexico. These areas contain some of the only available aggregates supply located near the Albuquerque market. Enacting this ban sets bad precedent and would severely diminish the ability for communities to access key resources that are necessary for building roads, bridges, renewable energy projects, schools, hospitals, homes, and businesses. Allowing this ban to proceed would have a significant impact on the cost of public works projects due to the need to import necessary stone, sand and gravel required to develop and repair infrastructure and buildings. According to conservative estimates, aggregate prices for the Albuquerque metro market would increase 30-to-40 percent, and some projections estimate a 90 percent increase in cost. Advancing S. 180 will stagnate and diminish the movement of goods and commerce in central New Mexico.