Letters to Washington

Coalition Letter Requesting an Extension of the Public Comment Period in Response to Docket No. IRS-2022-0025, Request for Comments on Prevailing Wage, Apprenticeship, Domestic Content and Energy Communities Requirements Under the Inflation Reduction Act

The diverse coalition of undersigned associations and organizations representing the interests of tens of thousands of companies and millions of skilled employees in the U.S. construction industry, as well as organizations representing the interests of thousands of companies developing and building clean energy projects across America, hereby submits the following request for an extension of the public comment period by 60 days to the U.S. Department of Treasury and Internal Revenue Service in response to the above-referenced notice and agency request for comments published on Oct.

Coalition Letter to FAR Council on Project Labor Agreements Proposed Rule

The diverse coalition of undersigned associations and organizations representing the interests of tens of thousands of companies and millions of skilled employees in the U.S. construction industry write to express strong opposition to the Federal Acquisition Regulatory Council’s proposed rule implementing President Biden’s Executive Order 14063 requiring controversial and inflationary project labor agreements on federal construction contracts of $35 million or more in total value.

Comments to FHWA Proposed Rulemaking for National Performance Management Assessing Performance of National Highway System, Greenhouse Gas Emissions Measure

The National Stone, Sand and Gravel Association appreciates the opportunity to provide this comment to the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) on Docket No. FHWA-2021-0004, Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) regarding National Performance Management; Assessing Performance of National Highway System, Greenhouse Gas Emissions Measure. Stone, sand, and gravel are essential resources for developing any type of infrastructure and are key to producing renewable energy sources and sustainable public works.

Letter to Senate Leadership Supporting the START Act

On behalf of the 400 members of the National Stone, Sand & Gravel Association (NSSGA) I am writing to share our strong support for S. 4815, the Simplifying Timelines and Assure Regulatory Transparency Act (START Act). This bill is crucial, as it will provide reforms to regulations and permitting timelines; which are needed in order to help modernize our infrastructure.

Coalition Letter Supporting the American Workforce Act

I’m writing on behalf of the Opportunity America Jobs and Careers Coalition to express our support for Sen. Tom Cotton’s American Workforce Act (AWA), a thoughtful, innovative approach to workforce development that has the potential to provide more effective training for American workers and badly needed talent for employers, enhancing opportunity and boosting economic competitiveness. The Opportunity America Jobs and Careers Coalition is a Washington-based business group focused on job training and workforce development.

Coalition Letter Supporting the Cornyn-Padilla Amendment (S. 3011/H.R. 5735) in any Stopgap Spending Package

As Congress works to find agreement on a continuing resolution, the undersigned organizations ask that the overwhelmingly bipartisan S. 3011/H.R. 5735 be included in any stopgap spending package.  This legislation allows states and localities additional flexibility to use American Rescue Plan (ARP) funds for a range of transportation purposes. The ARP law provided $350 billion in state and local government relief funds and $10 billion in capital improvement assistance.  As states continue to recover from the pandemic, new economic headwinds and rising costs have emerged.

Letter to Senate EPW Supporting Shailen Bhatt to Lead the FHWA

On behalf of the 400 members of the National Stone, Sand & Gravel Association (NSSGA), I am writing to share our support for Shailen Bhatt’s nomination to lead the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). The work of this committee over the past years to craft and advance responsible surface transportation reauthorizations, which were incorporated as the base of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), has given FHWA a historic opportunity to improve our infrastructure that betters the lives of every American.

Comments on the DOT's RFI on Construction Materials Used in Federal Financial Assistance Projects for Transportation Infrastructure in the U.S. under the Build America, Buy America Act

The National Sand, Stone and Gravel Association (NSSGA) is the leading voice and advocate for the aggregates industry. We are committed to fulfilling the critical role the aggregates industry will play in providing billions of tons of aggregates the necessary to achieve the IIJA’s goals. The NSSGA submits this comment in response the Department of Transportation (DOT) Request for Information (RFI) Docket No.

Comments on the DOE's RFI on Clean Energy Demonstrations on Current and Former Land Program

On behalf of the National Stone, Sand and Gravel Association (NSSGA), I am pleased to submit the following comments in response to the Office of Clean Energy Demonstration’s (OCED) request for information (RFI) on the use of current and former mine lands to further the nation’s clean energy goals.  NSSGA is a trade association that represents crushed stone, sand, gravel (aggregate) and industrial sand producers, consisting of approximately 7,000 operations nationwide, and the manufacturing and service providers who serve the industry.

Coalition Letter to Congressional Leadership Opposing the Inflation Reduction Act

The undersigned organizations represent millions of Main Street businesses and employ tens of millions of workers and we oppose the Senate-passed Inflation Reduction Act.  Inflation is at 40-year highs, we have had two consecutive quarters of negative economic growth, and we are witnessing a shrinking small business sector, yet the Inflation Reduction Act does nothing to address these immediate issues even as it increases the burden of the tax code shouldered by America’s small and family-owned businesses.

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