NSSGA and Coalition Partners

Coalition Letter to Support IIJA to the House

The Senate-passed bipartisan infrastructure bill—the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA)—represents a historic opportunity to provide substantial economic and quality of life enhancements to communities across the country and to build for the future. The investments made in the package would facilitate long overdue repairs and improvements to our roads, bridges, rail, and public transportation, and other critical infrastructure, such as airports, ports, broadband, energy, and water systems. The undersigned organizations encourage all members of the U.S.

Family Business Estate Tax Coalition Letter to Ways and Means

We, the undersigned associations, write to state our unequivocal support for the continuation of stepped-up basis. Stepped-up basis prevents family-owned businesses and farms from being hit with two significant and damaging tax bills when a family member passes away—the capital gains tax on any appreciated assets and the estate tax on whatever is left. The FBETC opposes any changes to stepped-up basis that would impose this double death tax and increase taxes on family-owned businesses and farms—including administratively unworkable “protections” that simply delay destructive tax hikes.

Coalition Letter to Ways and Means Committee on Percentage Depletion Tax Deduction

As the Ways and Means Committee considers possible tax changes in connection with budget reconciliation legislation, the undersigned organizations urge you to retain the present-law percentage depletion tax deduction.  The percentage depletion deduction contributes significantly to the role U.S. mineral, coal, natural stone, aggregates, and independent oil and gas producers play in fostering continued American economic prosperity. Maintaining a strong natural resources production sector and limiting our dependence on foreign production is critical to the growth of the U.S. economy.   

Coalition Letter to Ways and Means to Oppose Tax Hikes

The undersigned organizations representing millions of individually- and family-owned businesses strongly urge you to reject any measures that would raise taxes on Main Street employers as part of the upcoming reconciliation bill.  Individually- and family-owned businesses are the cornerstone of the American economy.  They represent nearly all businesses, they employ the vast majority of private sector workers, and they are the building block upon which innumerable communities across this country are built.

Letter to Finance Committee on Percentage Depletion Deduction

As the Finance Committee considers possible tax changes in connection with budget reconciliation legislation, the undersigned organizations urge you to retain the presentlaw percentage depletion tax deduction.  The percentage depletion deduction contributes significantly to the role U.S. mineral, coal, natural stone, aggregates, and independent oil and gas producers play in fostering continued American economic prosperity.  Maintaining a strong natural resources production sector and limiting our dependence on foreign production is critical to the growth of the U.S. economy. 

Urging Inclusion of the JOBS Act

The Opportunity America Jobs and Careers Coalition is a Washington-based business group focused on job training and workforce development. Members include employers and employer associations from a broad range of industries experiencing skills mismatches and worker shortages – IT, manufacturing, construction, retail and hospitality, among others. As representatives of business and industry, we see first-hand how the economy is changing in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic. Millions of Americans are still out of work. Many will need to reskill for a new job or a new industry.

Supporting the Cornyn Amendment in the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act

The American Rescue Plan (ARP) provided states and localities with $350 billion in relief funds and $10 billion in capital improvement assistance at a time of critical need.  The COVID-19 pandemic ripped a gaping hole in the budgets of many local governments, making this assistance crucial for many workers and businesses across the nation. However, the funds lack clear guidance to states and localities on their applicability.

Opposing Pilot Program on Increased Use of Mass Timber in Military Construction

We have significant concerns with policies and programs that tend to promote specific building materials. Engineers and construction professionals should make decisions about which materials to use to meet the codes, standards and specifications of the project. It is inappropriate for Congress to stack the deck for or against specific building materials: Congress should not pick winners and losers and should not promote policies or programs that prefer one building material over another. Mass timber is often promoted as a sustainable building material.

Letter to Share Opposition to PRO Act

The Coalition for a Democratic Workplace (CDW), a broad-based coalition of hundreds of organizations representing hundreds of thousands of employers and millions of employees in various industries across the country, and the 280 undersigned organizations write in opposition to the Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act, S. 420. This radical legislation would violate workers’ free choice and privacy rights, jeopardize industrial stability, cost millions of American jobs, threaten vital supply chains, and greatly hinder our economic recovery from COVID-19.

Call for Congress to Advance the Bipartisan Infrastructure Framework

On behalf of manufacturers nationwide and the millions of Americans who stand to benefit from revitalized U.S. infrastructure, we write to urge you to take up and pass the bipartisan infrastructure deal recently announced by President Biden and leaders in Congress. Manufacturers have spent years calling for bold, bipartisan infrastructure investments that bolster America’s competitiveness, and now is the time to act on this historic opportunity.

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