NSSGA and Coalition Partners

Federal Court Decision Clears the Way for Faster Transportation Improvements, ARTBA & NSSGA Say

(WASHINGTON)A major March 2 court decision has given every state in the country a clear understanding of how far federal jurisdiction extends over the nation’s water bodies, eliminating potentially costly delays in transportation system upgrades, according to the American Road & Transportation Builders Association (ARTBA) and National Stone, Sand & Gravel Association (NSSGA). 

Coalition Urges Senate Finance Committee to Reject Imposing Retroactive Tax Hike on Businesses

A recent letter signed by dozens of U.S. Senators and Representatives called on Congress to retroactively repeal last year’s Net Operating Loss (NOL) relief enacted in the CARES Act. This ill-advised effort would result in a massive, retroactive tax hike on thousands of businesses who, by definition, have suffered losses in recent years and need help during the pandemic. It should be rejected by the both the House and the Senate.

NSSGA, Jobs and Careers Coalition to Express Concerns About National Apprenticeship Act

NSSGA, as part of the Opportunity America Jobs and Careers Coalition, sent a letter to express support for apprenticeship but also concern about the draft of the National Apprenticeship Act that is currently moving through the House. Specifically, the group shared concerns about the scope of training the legislation authorizes and what it sees as onerous reporting requirements, among other issues.


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